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DSC 4879

Inclusion & Diversity

Student Inclusion & Diversity

The Student Diversity Department supports students in a variety of ways to help them reach their potential.

At King’s, we use the Response to Intervention (RTI) model to identify, intervene and monitor students so as to cater for the learning and social-emotional needs of all students. The RTI model is designed to give three increasingly intense levels of support with the underlying philosophy that all students are able to move forward in their learning:

  • Tier 1: Whole class high quality instruction with day-to-day adjustments to instructional delivery. The majority of students fall into this tier.
  • Tier 2: Small group intervention through evidence informed Literacy, Numeracy and Social Skill programs
  • Tier 3: Personally tailored one-to-one intervention where coursework and assessments are modified to meet the learning needs of individual students. A very small percentage of students fall into this Tier.

The Student Diversity team at King's places emphasis on supporting students in the classroom, as well as resourcing teachers to differentiate instruction and curriculum to cater for the learning needs of all students. Adjustments can be made to the content, pace and delivery of classroom programs and the Student Diversity team work in partnership with parents, students, teachers and allied health workers to determine the level of adjustments needed.

Intervention Program

At times, there is need for specific intervention to occur to try to fill gaps and move students along in their learning and development. Where students are withdrawn to be included in an intervention program, it is with a specific purpose and for a specific time frame. All intervention programs have identifiable entry requirements. These programs include the MultiLit Reading Program, which is occurs from Year 2-Year 5. Targeted social skills programs are offered in the Early Years sub-school, and then again in the Junior and Middle Schools through a program called 'What's the Buzz'. A tailored program for students where English is an additional language occurs in the Early Years school. Study assistance is offered for identified students in Year 9-Year 12. A social Year 11 and Year 12 student is well supported, with access to staff during study periods and special provisions available for all students in examinations and in-class assessment tasks.

Our goal is continually build a toolkit of strategies to enable students to successfully move forward in their learning. We emphasise the importance of early intervention and as a consequence higher levels of support are provided in the early years. While our aim is to work inside classes, our Student Diversity staff provide a number of particular programs and services to support students with special needs. We also encourage collaboration with outside therapists and seek to include these services where space is available.


No. Research demonstrates that in-class support is the most effective form of intervention. Support plans will always be developed and appropriate adjustments made in the classroom setting. Needs are prioritised and determined by the functional impact of the learning need on learning. Intervention programs at Tier 2 occur at specific year levels and for specific times and purposes.

No. NDIS plans help is determine the adjustments needed in the classroom. Our aim is always to move students towards greater levels of independence and long term intervention tends to increase dependency and learned helplessness. At different times in a student’s life, various levels of intervention is needed.

Generally, we welcome the support of outside agencies and know the tremendous role they play in supporting students. While we do our best to cater for therapy requests, availability is dependent on space and timetabling issues.

A support plan is developed for your child and made available to you and all your child’s teachers via SEQTA. Within a couple of weeks, a meeting with yourself and your child’s pastoral teacher will be co-ordinated to ensure appropriate adjustments are needed. You have an opportunity to provide ongoing feedback into this process via parent teacher interviews and emails. All support plans are reviewed and updated at the end of each year and support plans are emailed to be signed off in February of each year.

The majority of students are able to achieve year level achievement standards with appropriate adjustments in place. Where students need a highly individualised program (Tier 3), they will be issued with a student diversity report specific to their learning goals.

No. Intervention always has very focussed goals and run for specific time frames. The aim is always to move students back into a normal classroom setting and to gradually withdraw levels of support as needed. Our school focusses on an early intervention model and so the amount of intervention decreases as your child gets older.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge that everything in heaven and earth belongs to God.

We acknowledge the Kaurna people and the Peramangk people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which our schools are located.

We pay our respects to all elders, past, present and those to come, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

We commit ourselves to pray and work for justice and reconciliation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia.